Work with me

The people who choose to work with me have come to one of a handful of conclusions already:

  • they’ve got this far without any marketing but they’ve stopped growing

  • they know they need marketing but don’t know how or where to start

  • they’re ‘doing’ marketing but it isn’t working

  • they need to be in that press article their competitor was in last month

  • they know what they offer but not how to articulate it to their ideal customer

What they all have in common is this: more customers please!

Marketing power hour

Pick a Power Hour


In 60 minutes over Zoom we’ll tackle your current marketing/PR challenge, discuss creative ideas and a baseline plan of attack for improving it.

Email me to book

Marketing coach

Chew over a channel


In 2 hours we’ll work through the marketing channel of your choice. Nail why you’re there, what you’ll do and say, and how to persuade others to join in the fun. Includes call recording, notes and actions to take forward.

Email me to book

1-2-1 marketing and PR coaching

1-2-1 training

From $899

Half day sessions and beyond depending on your needs and desired outcomes. Example sessions include:

* How to make social media work for your business
* DIY PR - how to get yourself in the press
* How to use email marketing to grow loyalty & sales

Ask me about this option

Strategic direction

Do you need structure, creativity and a plan to get your marketing on track and driving results?

I’ll help you create that and keep you accountable and on course to achieve your goals

Contact me to chat about your challenge and how I could help.