Making marketing easy for founders


Established in 2015, Coconut is a little company with start-up, scale-up and big brand experience.

As a director of comms at one of the world’s household brands, I was responsible for what was said, where, when, why, how and by whom across product and marketing, internally and externally. So, you see, I’m really rather passionate about taking an integrated approach to communicating with your customers and talking their language.

I’ve worked in marketing and PR since 2003, mostly in travel and hospitality, invariably with a tech element, and almost always with founders (and ‘exiters’).

I’ve supported the growth of tech businesses and SaaS products in the travel industry, property managers and holiday rental companies, country house hotels and wedding venues, tour operators, boating holiday providers, and gastro pubs.

My services include marketing and communication consultancy, PR coaching, social media strategy and content planning, website planning and content creation, email marketing, or any combination thereof.

How do I work? 

I like to work alongside you (and your team(s) if you have them) as an objective sounding board for your business strategy and marketing mission. As I listen to your challenges, and play the odd game of devil’s advocate, I steer you on a course of optimisation and success.

I always come at it from a holistic, bigger picture perspective and as such suggest an integrated approach for maximum impact with measurable outcomes.

Jargon? Not really... That means finding ways to reach and interact with your ideal customers wherever they spend their time, whatever they read (not just promoting your business where you want to, sorry), so they’re more inclined to respond and keener to engage.

My communication expertise 

I’m Kate Stinchcombe-Gillies. I’ve worked with independent family businesses, start-ups and corporate behemoths, helping each to tell their stories through online and offline channels. Over the years I’ve handled external, internal and digital communications for publishers, travel brands and SaaS products.

My experience in the travel industry and with one of the world’s largest brands in that space led to me being a regular industry commentator on travel related issues for BBC TV and radio.

With 8 years' hospitality experience under my belt managing restaurants and leading front of house teams, I’m a sucker for fabulous food, great wines and tasty restaurant clients!

My team

When my workload expands, lockdown homeschooling kicks-in or I need a little outside perspective too, I bring in others experts. Joanna is a published author and Malaga destination expert. Her writing experience stretches across travel exploration and property investment to in-destination nous. Lou is a social media manager and paid ads expert and is always on hand with the latest social know-how for me and my clients.

Why Coconut?

Why should you hire me?
Don't hire me. Work with me. Marketing, communications, public relations are an integral part of your business and your brand reputation. Please don’t stick any of them, or me, in the out field. The best results come when I act as an extension of your business (without the pension and PAYE hassle).

Why are we called Coconut?
The name Coconut Comms was inspired by a coconut shy at a village fete one beautiful English summer's day (I’m a Brit BTW) when my then 3-year-old won one to bring home.

Fact: the word coconut is used to describe the whole and the individual parts of the fruit. All parts of the coconut have a use in everyday life.

So what? Marketing and communication ought to be a consideration at every turn in your business. And I like to take a versatile and holistic approach to your challenge, even if you just want my support on a slice or two to begin with. 

Need to grow your business?

Public relations, marketing and communications are pivotal to business growth.

Is your snazzy new product not selling itself? Has your footfall dropped off? Are your repeat customers down? Are reviews taking a dive? Will the press not write about you?

Think you need marketing support for your business, but unsure?

Let’s talk